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Sports Marketing Sports Marketing Soccer Ball

Sponsorship Training

TSM-TURNER SPORTS MARKETING has developed and executed hundreds of sports packages and promotions – generating hundreds of millions of dollars in  Team and Broadcast Partner Sports Sponsorship Sales.

Many of our sales have been produced from ideas –generated from the needs of client prospects.  Ideas Sell!  And TSM is an idea machine.

We can help a sports team and/or their broadcast partner increase sponsorship  sales – We Guarantee It!  In Stadium – On Air – TV – Radio – Community Awareness – Cause Marketing-Grass Roots Marketing – Client Entertainment-we can help you reach and exceed your revenue goals and objectives.

We’ll work with management, sales and promotion to produce effective strategies that generate both sports sponsorship revenue and positive team/broadcast partner/client community feedback.
Give us a call! 619-890-4222

----Notable Comments----

“Tim Turner’s understanding of what makes a good deal for both the client and the team is one of the reasons he is one of the absolute best in the country.

He is creative, works extremely hard and always follows through to the completion of a project.”  Tim worked with the Seahawks for 16 years as part of the staff of our broadcast partner KIRO-AM – during that time he was responsible for the development of the Seahawks #12 Fan Jersey promotion, The Pete Gross House, a 70 unit complex housing the families of cancer patients at The Fred Hutchinson Cencer Research Center in Seattle and many other “game day” sponsorships and promotions.

Gary Wright, VP Seattle Seahawks – Retired.